About Marie-Louise

About Marie-Louise
Personal Assistant

About Marie-Louise – Hello! My name is Marie-Louise. I am thrilled to be the Personal Assistant at Expats Psychology Practice!

As a personal assistant in our team of international psychologists, my role is instrumental in supporting expats in the Netherlands throughout their therapeutic journey. With a careful eye for detail and exceptional organisational skills, I efficiently manage administrative tasks, schedules, and communication. This ensures the smooth functioning of our practice, allowing our psychologists to focus on delivering top-notch therapeutic services.

In fact, I take great pride in being the primary point of contact for our clients. I coordinate appointments and address inquiries. Moreover, I tailor our services to meet their individual needs, fostering a personalised and caring experience.

As the link between clients and our team, I establish strong connections. I actively listen to their concerns and empathise with their unique challenges. This allows us to provide the most effective and compassionate support possible.

Furthermore, handling documentation and data management is another aspect of my role. This makes sure that our psychologists have all the necessary information at their fingertips, streamlining their workflow and maximizing their time with clients.

Throughout my work, I prioritize confidentiality and respect for our client’s privacy. Trust is essential in the therapeutic process, and I am committed to promoting the highest standards of confidentiality.

Moreover, my dedication to this role contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and success of our team’s mission to promote mental well-being among the expatriate community in the Netherlands.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

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